Transcutaneous Tracheal Electrode (TTE)

A novel, non-invasive, and cost-effective method for preventing respiratory morbidity in the ICU.


Problem Statement

Up to 93% of patients in the neurology wards can experience choking after tracheostomy, which is fatal in many cases. These issues can interfere with the patient's treatment and leave them disabled, often financially as well.

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The device is designed to alert the nurse station in case an abnormal activity is measured by the electrode placed on the glossopharyngeal nerve, a cranial nerve responsible for swallowing, allowing timely and efficient intervention to stop patients from asphyxiation caused by dysphagia following tracheostomy.

The tracheal electrode further targets a completely ignored problem: that of death due to dysphagia. Our solution is non-invasive and inexpensive and works in tandem with the nurses and not as a replacement for them by acting as an alert system.

This allows us to keep costs low and not impede on the role of the human staff in hospitals, merely helping them be more efficient.

Project Team

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