Ultraviolet 4 (UV4)

A novel, non-invasive, and cost-effective method for preventing respiratory morbidity in the ICU.


Problem Statement

One of the primary causes of the worsening of patients’ conditions at the hospital is the secondary infection that occurs due to CRBSIs.

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Fig: A patient with something (help)
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Solution and Uniqueness

Our solution consists of a contraption that intermittently shines UV light on the wound, around which a paste of modified clay minerals is applied. This paste absorbs UV rays and protects the skin from exposure. The paste also has anti-microbial properties, further preventing the infection of the wound. The fluorescence of bacteria caused by UV is further used to quantify bacterial load and raise alerts if an infection might occur.

The key innovation in UV4 is the use of kaolin which is ubiquitous and has unique bacterial adsorption properties and also blocks UV light from reaching the hand. Kaolin further links with detergents which lyses the adsorbed bacteria. It's never been used for bio-containment before but we got positive results in the lab.

Kaolin costs 50 dollars a metric tonne. It's dirt cheap, because it is clay itself. Secondary infections are an extremely important killer. We are one of the first initiatives to target this problem. Our solution to them is incomparable in price and ease of implementation.

Risks and Requirements

The requisite materials for the device are not yet registered on the list of approved substances for medical use (although they are used amply in cosmetic products).

Project Team

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